Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG (heavy chain sp) IgG (specific for monkey; minimal reactivity with human IgG, clone 2) 218.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG (heavy chain sp) IgG (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 218.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-Alexa 488 Conj. (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 334.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-Alexa 555 Conj. (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 334.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-Alexa 647 Conj. (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 334.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-Alk Phos. Conj. (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 241.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-Biotin (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 241.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-HRP Conj. (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 241.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Monkey IgG-PE Conj. (specific for monkey; no reactivity with human or animals IgG) 241.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Rabbit IgG (Light-chain) IgG-Biotin Conj (adsorbed, for immunoprecipitation/WB) 253.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Sendai virus/Parainfluenza type 1 fusion protein F (SeV/Parainfluenza virus 1, F) IgG 462.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Sendai virus/Parainfluenza type 3 hemagluttinin (HA) protein (SeV/Parainfluenza virus 3, H) IgG (clone 1) 462.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Sendai virus/Parainfluenza type 3 hemagluttinin (HA) protein (SeV/Parainfluenza virus 3, H) IgG (clone 2) 462.00€
Monoclonal anti-West Nile Virus (WNV) envelop protein IgG #2 (crossreacts with Dengues, SLE, JEV) 462.00€
Monoclonal anti-West Nile Virus (WNV) envelop protein IgG (non-reactive with Dengue, SLE, JEV) 462.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Zika Virus Envelope Protein (African) IgG Clone #1 (specific for Zika non-reactive with WNV, JEV, Chikungunya) 462.00€
Monoclonal Anti-Zika Virus Envelope Protein (African) IgG Clone #2 ((specific for Zika non-reactive with WNV, JEV, Chikungunya) 462.00€
Mouse Anti-Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG-specific) ELISA kit, 96 tests, quantitative 740.00€
Mouse Anti-ASCA (anti-S. cerevisiae Antibodies or anti-mannan) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 682.00€
Mouse Anti-B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 740.00€
Mouse Anti-B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, quantitative 798.00€